The Funhouse Commons: Creating a Bridge to the Future with Online Classes

— from Krista Bouchey —

Times are not like they used to be… in a good way! With computers and technology, communication and easy access to information flows swiftly through our fingertips on touch-screens everywhere.

It’s now effortless to find out about someone, something, or someplace. Education is changing, and computers have become a pivotal force in free access to knowledge.

Right here on Orcas, students are feeling the benefits of technology through an awesome resource provided by the Funhouse Commons, in alliance with the Orcas Island School District. Orcas teens are able to take classes on-line in subjects as wide-ranging as Japanese, Web-Design, and Economics from a World View.

Computers have brought college level subjects right into the classroom, and island students of today have the sky as the limit.. no brick walls will box in their minds!

Every parent on Orcas has asked the question, “Will my child be too sheltered here?” No way! In higher education, it’s become more and more common for professors to utilize the internet to supplement their classes. Credits towards certifications and degrees are now achieved through courses that operate completely through the world-wide web, and access really is world-wide.

The water that separates our island from the mainland does not in fact keep us from achieving great heights in education. The means may be different, but at the end of an online course, students achieve the same results in furthering their minds, at only a fraction of the cost.

The Funhouse Commons in partnership with the Henigson Public School Student Fund (HPSSF) offers online classes through the high school for free! The outcome of these programs is impressive. Over 50% of students enrolled in these courses achieve an A. Online classes provide high school students with access to subjects they could not take otherwise and keeps them competitive with other students from less rural districts.

In this technological age, online learning will continue to grow in scope as an integral and critical part of education. The demand for more classes and expanded subjects is steadily building, and Orcas students are reaping the rewards.

Orcas Island High School is committed in this partnership with the Funhouse Commons and the HPSSF to continue to provide and improve upon this excellent opportunity for our youth. They also provide SAT test prep, and college counseling to Orcas High School students. May we all offer special appreciation and gratitude to Bob and Phyllis Henigson.

For more information, or to donate to this FHC program, contact Krista Bouchey, Funhouse Commons Director, 376-7177.

Founded by generous members of the Orcas Island community in 2000, The Funhouse Commons is a 501(c)3 non- profit community center with hands-on science exhibits, multi-media labs, art studio, recording studio, climbing wall and much more. The Funhouse Commons also provides essential Teen, After School, Education and Mentor programs for the youth of Orcas Island.