In early summer, The Funhouse released its 2008 Annual Report. The report highlights the Orcas non-profit’s success during 2008, a year that ended with a major economic downturn.

Despite the downturn, and a significant drop in donation and grant income in the fourth quarter, The Funhouse still achieved 99% of its budgeted goals during 2008.

The report describes its progress as it approaches a decade of service: “Certainly we will never stop improving and fine-tuning, but by 2009 we have defined the quartet of programs we believe will carry us forward: Mentor, Teen, After School, and Education Programs.

“In 2000 we opened to provide a safe, fun educational place for Orcas teens. By 2002, we had established a thriving after school program for kids 9-12. In 2006 we concentrated on expanding our classes for Orcas residents of all ages. Today, we teach dozens of adult classes, all year long.”

In 2008 The Funhouse successfully implemented a plan to increase its earned income through membership fees, a new business membership program, tourist visits, and class fees.

For 2009 The Funhouse adopted a very conservative budget, trimming staff time and expenses while minimizing program impact. Both the staff and the Board of Directors are realistically preparing for the challenges to come.

Funhouse Executive Director Pete Moe says, “We entered 2009 in a sound financial position, with a strong well-rounded board of directors, and a deep pool of volunteers and community good will. We feel we have a well-rounded mix of programs that will continue to provide the community for children of all ages, for years to come. None of this would be possible without the incredible generosity of our supporters in this community. On behalf of The Funhouse, thank you to all of you who make this possible.”

“The Funhouse provides services to families on Orcas Island that no one else does,” says Randy Gaylord, San Juan County Prosecutor, in the report. “It is truly the social safety net for kids on the island.”

The Funhouse 2008 Annual report is available in print at The Funhouse and is available by email as a PDF upon request to

Founded by generous members of the Orcas Island community in 2000, The Funhouse is a non-profit community center with hands-on science exhibits, an educational film library, a pitching cage, an art studio, a recording studio, a video production studio, a climbing wall and a computer lab. The Funhouse offers year-round arts and education programs for kids, teens and adults; and facilitates several important programs for at-risk youth on Orcas Island.

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