We are very pleased to announce that Jen and Seb’s fundraiser auction is live! Open for the next two weeks, the auction features an incredible array of beautiful offerings. All proceeds will go toward defraying medical costs to help Jen and Seb in their extremely serious health situation. https://jensebhealing.betterworld.org/auctions/help-jennifer-sebastian-heal 

Some background: Jen and Seb’s GoFundMe for Lyme Disease treatment came to a standstill at the halfway point to their goal, despite our team’s best efforts and generous donations from our community. Thankfully, we had a backup plan, an alternate idea of friends offering their art and skills to an auction to raise more funds. Jen took the idea and brought it to our entire network, and the community has responded with gusto.

This auction is an act of love, a truly vibrant rainbow showcasing the gifts of this community. It features the creations of 16 local artists and the wares and services of 15 Orcas businesses and bodyworkers. There are inspired learning opportunities, everything from blacksmithing to flower arranging, fruit tree pruning to aerial yoga.

You’ll find playful options like a “find your new style consult” and a $150 gift certificate with Liz and Bella of Faraways Boutique, as well as a private spa party for four with mini-massages and mini-facials from massage therapist Kimmy Clancy Giampietro and Raelene Casaday of Salish Sea Skincare. You can bid on having DJ Bodhicypha come play a set in your living room, or a three-hour vegetable garden consultation with yours truly.

Having support from our community is life-saving for Jen and Seb right now, and it has been incredibly heartening to see how our friends have responded in offering their gifts and skills. Bidding in the auction will add to the ripples of generosity and propel us toward our fundraising goal. Thank you very much for joining this effort to support these two incredible people!
