Improvisation Theater Workshop for Adults: Samara Shaw Join Samara for a series of eight classes at The Funhouse Commons. Play games, let loose, have fun! Cost: Donation accepted in support of The Funhouse Commons.

Mac 101: Gene Nery Learn the fundamentals: e-mail, photos, music, Internet, downloads, e-commerce safety, and more. Tuesdays. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Jan 17- Feb 21. $120, $100 members.

iPhoto: Gene Nery Learn to edit and organize your digital photo library. Tuesdays. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Jan. 17-Feb. 7. $100, $75 members.

Photoshop: Hannah Adams Collier Customize and repair your photography. Learn to use layers and illustration tools. Generate beautiful visual elements for web and print. Beginner and advanced users welcome. Weekly schedule to be determined by class participants after enrollment.

Internet Safety for Parents: Pete Moe Workshop for parents who want to set up parental controls on Mac computers and discuess internet content. Wednesday. Feb 1st, 6:00-8:00 p.m. $25, $20 members.

Blacksmithing: Jorgen Harle Learn the basics of blacksmithing from the amazing Jorgen!! Saturdays, 1-5 p.m. Teen Session: January 14, 21, 28. Adult Session: March 17, 24, 31. $220/$200 members.

Recording Studio: Armando Nunes Learn the basics or get help recording your music using the latest computer technology. Call to schedule.


Website Rescue: Joe Thoron Identify and fix the biggest problems on your Website. Monday, Jan. 30th.
12 p.m. – 3 p.m. $100, $90 members. Discounts for Chamber of Commerce Members. Bring a friend and get a special deal!

Orcas Small Business Alliance Organization Meeting Help develop a small business laboratory at The Funhouse Commons. Discussions to include improving online social networking and Internet presence. Food and Childcare provided. January 17th at 5:30. $10 for food. Please RSVP.


Gnarly Gnight Runners Our popular spring program extended through the winter months. Mondays/Wednesdays. Starting January 18th with a trail run and bonfire at Cascade Lake. $50 members/$75 nonmembers.

“Ducks” Rec Basketball Boys and girls, 4-8th Grades. Starting January 4th at the Christian School. Offered in partnership with the OIPRD. $75.
Mondays/Wednesdays: Middle School: 3:30-5 p.m.
4th-6th Graders: 5 – 6:30 p.m.
We need coaches for the Fourth – Sixth Grade Level!


Wintertime Playgroup Thursdays. 10-11:30 a.m. Birth – Five. FREE! Starting January 5th!

Music Together: Mary Giampietro Award-winning birth-to-five music class. Winter session begins January 18th. Click Here for more details!