December 26, 2023–January 25, 2024

Here’s my interpretation for what Spirit offers for the coming lunar cycle starting on December 26th.

Seeking help and really looking into what we want and how to get our needs met is great. Taking a leap into something new, however, means really following our instincts and sense of timing. 

VII of Swords, reversed

The isolation we may have faced in The Lovers, reversed, from the previous lunar cycle, now appears to begin to dissolve as we turn toward others and begin to seek help for the problems we face. This, to me, represents wanting to make an internal change. The card may or may not represent the help itself but certainly represents the act of seeking it out. 





The Page of Pentacles

The Page represents the student and Pentacles, the material world. We may find ourselves studying and being very pragmatic about it. What went wrong before? What do we want? How do we get it? What do we need? How can we set ourselves up for success?






0 The Fool, reversed

Armed with the fruits of our studies, we may want to leap in some new direction. The Fool, reversed, here indicates a failure to follow our instincts, however. Perhaps we have depended too much on our plans or the practical advice of others. Or perhaps we disregard our instincts in a different way and go off on a reckless path. Or, perhaps the most in-tune option, we know that it’s best to leap into something new when the time is right, and we see that now is not the time. 




I wish you well on your journeys.


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