Scoping letters will help define the economic and environmental arguments against the Cherry Point Coal terminal.

From the Friends of the San Juans

Gateway Pacific Terminal EIS Scoping Comment Writing Workshops:

Lopez Island, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 5-7:30 pm, Lopez Center, 204 Village Road
San Juan Island, Thursday, Oct. 25, 12-1:30 pm, San Juan Island Grange, 52 First Street N.
Orcas Island, Thursday, Oct. 25, 5-6:30 pm, Eastsound Fire Hall, 45 Lavender Lane

FRIENDS of the San Juans, along with the Orcas and Lopez NO COALitions, are hosting comment-writing workshops for the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal’s (GPT) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

The public will never vote on the GPT project, however, it will have an opportunity to officially express concerns about the proposal during a period called “scoping”.  Comments made at official sessions or submitted in writing during the scoping process will help inform the type and the geographic scope of impacts to be included in the EIS.  The EIS is the key document for the various agencies and individuals involved with approving or denying permits, permissions and/or leases for the project.

The San Juan Islands will be at the center of environmental impacts resulting from the 487 giant bulk carriers proposed to export coal through the Salish Sea from GPT.  Community members who are concerned about the implications of the GPT project for San Juan County are encouraged to attend the workshops.  Participants will receive training for letter writing as well as making in-person comments at the November 3rd public scoping hearing for GPT in Friday Harbor (12-3 pm, at Friday Harbor High School).

Terry Wechsler, retired public interest attorney from Protect Whatcom, and David Culver, a trained facilitator from Whatcom County, will lead the workshops.

Workshops are free and open to the public.  Dinner will be available at the Lopez meeting. RSVPs are appreciated for all workshops.   For more information and to RSVP, contact Katie Fleming at 378-2319 or