Despite restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Orcas Island Library has managed to  provide both book loans and various other programs to the community this past year and will surely continue to do so in the future.

The Friends grant funds to support the library and its acquisitions and programs each year, but the availability of those funds depends in part on annual memberships. We’ve just kicked off the 2021 membership campaign by contacting all current members either by email or US mail. Of course, we would like to invite those who are not yet members to join us in supporting the Library by becoming a member. Individual membership is $15/year, and family memberships are $30/year.

This year we’ve made it even easier to join; you can join by going to the Friends web page and either pay by credit card online or download the membership form by clicking a button and returning the form with a check by regular mail.

For more than 50 years, the library has been, and continues to be, a great resource for islanders and FOIL will continue to support the library, with your help. The Friends are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.


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