Contributed by Tina Whitman

Learn more about how you can help protect water quality, marine mammals and eelgrass habitat at a series of free public workshops for local boaters.

Presentations will cover priority habitats and species, current regulations and tips for reducing impacts to the marine environment.  Hosted by Friends of the San Juans, in partnership with The Whale Museum, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance and the Stewardship Network of the San Juans.

Events will be held on San Juan Island (Wednesday May 5th: 7-9 pm at the Mullis Senior Center); Lopez Island (Thursday May 6th: 12:30-2:30 pm at the Lopez Library) and Orcas Island (Thursday May 6th: 7-9 pm at the Senior Center in Eastsound).


  • “What’s Here to Protect?” Karrie Cooper, Stewardship Network of the San Juans
  • “Leaving a Light Boat Print” Chris Wilke, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
  • “Best Practices for Nearshore Habitats.” Tina Whitman, Friends of the San Juans
  • “Protecting Marine Mammals.” Kari Koski, The Whale Museum

Events are free and open to the public. For more information call FRIENDS at 378-2319.