Contributed by Barb Skotte

Friday, May 1st, is a busy day for lovers of school arts programs.  The month-long all-island student art show begins at Orcas Center, with an open house from 3:30-6:00 pm.  Everyone is welcome to come see the works of our many talented student artists!

Also that day,  University High Choir from Spokane, WA will perform twice at the Old Gym–first at 2:00 pm in a K-12 all-school assembly, and again at 7:30 p.m. that evening for the community. The Choir is a prestigious 90-student ensemble which performs music of all genres.  The Lirico Chamber Singers ensemble (about 20 members from the Choir) will also perform at the Orcas Center art show open house, as will the Orcas Chamber Players, with high school students and community musicians.

Come and enjoy a wonderful day and evening of student art and music!

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