Jim, Rachel, Tashi and Kaj Crow Valley Family String Band

Music at the party provided by Jim, Rachel, Tashi and Kaj
Crow Valley Family String Band!

by Madie Murray

All these will come together this Sunday, the 17th, at the public school garden and cafeteria from noon to 2 p.m.

Admission to join the celebration of our garden, new cob oven and Farm to Cafeteria is a donation to the Farm to Cafeteria crowd-funder at https://igg.me/at/edible-eats-and-education/x/4414053. 

If you have donated to the fundraiser already, just come to the party.  Your name will automatically be on the guest list.  If you can’t go online to donate before the party, just come to the party and donate there.

On the menu is freshly made cob oven pizza from our newly-sheltered garden cob oven and the Soul Flour Bakery oven on wheels, as well as corn on the cob, fresh salad and a soft beverage!   Music to your ears will be provided by the lively strings of the amazing Crow Valley Family String Band .

It should be a great day in the garden…See you there!