Thursday, December 7, 9 a.m. –  1 p.m. Friday Harbor Grange Hall

— from Katie Fleming for Friends of the San Juans —

Photo: Skyline Tree Care

Friends of the San Juans is hosting a free technical training for contractors who work on waterfront properties. San Juan County’s 400 + miles of marine shorelines support marine food webs and the local economy and people who work on these properties have a large role to play in their protection and restoration.

Local and regional experts will discuss key topics related to shoreline vegetation at this workshop designed specifically for landscapers, arborists, excavators and caretakers/managers of waterfront properties.

Participants will:

  • Learn from top regional experts without leaving the islands.
  • Get up to speed on new county shoreline rules.
  • Find out about opportunities for grant funded vegetation restoration project work on all islands.
  • Free lunch, stipends provided to those who qualify.

Workshop Agenda:

  • Understanding shoreline geology & hydrology – Jim Johannessen, Coastal Geologic Services
  • Recognizing problems, practical solutions & designing successful revegetation projects –  Ben Alexander, Sound Native Plants
  • County rules on shoreline trees & shrubs –  Erika Shook, SJC Planning Director
  • Wetland regulations – Scott Rozenbaum, Rozewood Environmental Services
  • Recognizing & protecting cultural resources – Jeremy Ripin and Jena Kalli, Fullscope Northwest Archaeology
  • Opportunities to participate in grant funded vegetation restoration work – Tina Whitman, Friends of the San Juans

This workshop is for landscaping professionals and contractors working on waterfront properties only. There will be shoreline vegetation workshops for waterfront property owners and the interested public in Spring 2018.

Pre-registration requested. For more information and/or to RSVP go to, or contact Tina at or 360-378-2319.