Molly Herron to lead free music workshop, Aug. 19-23.

Molly Herron to lead free music workshop at the Orcas Island Elementary School, Aug. 19-23.

Jane Alden is sponsoring a Free Musical Workshop for Children, led by New York composer/musician, Molly Herron, from August 19 through August 23 for kids of ages 9 – 12.

Each day will begin with musical games and exercises designed to encourage the children to explore music on their own and with the group. Through making their own music and helping the other children make theirs, participants will gain confidence in their abilities to create music and explore musical expression.

Monday through Thursday sessions will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Orcas Elementary School Music Room, followed by a Recording Session, (Time & Place TBA), on Friday, Aug. 23.

For further information, email Jane at: or call: 376-4299.

The Workshop is limited to 9 students

About Ms. Herron:
Molly Herron is a Brooklyn based composer, performer, and educator. She is a recipient of the “Exploring the Metropolis 2012/13 Con Edison Composer’s Residency” at the Brooklyn Youth Chorus Academy. Recent work includes pieces for the JACK Quartet, The Cygnus Ensemble, The NYU Contemporary Ensemble and arrangements for the folk group The Great Republic of Rough and Ready, among others. She has worked with ECCE as a fellow at La Pietra Forum in Florence, Italy, and has collaborated with a variety of artists in theater, dance, and film. Molly is a co-founding director of the W4 New Music, a composer’s collective dedicated to enriching the possibilities for new music and its makers since 2010. Molly received her bachelor’s degree from Sarah Lawrence College and a Master of Music degree from the Steinhardt School at NYU.