— from Anne Bertino —

DSC_6238There’s a new business in town called Plan4Space and although the owner, Anne Bertino, did previously work on projects in outer space, she is now concentrating on interior spaces.

“After I tell people what I used to do they always say, ‘You were a Rocket Scientist!’ I don’t know if that’s entirely correct. I was an Orbit Analyst and a Payload Support Engineer, well, I guess there was that time I did analyze sub-orbital rocket trajectories….”

After many years as an engineer working on space programs from Voyager, the GPS constellation, Space Shuttle flight STS-39 and the Iridium constellation, in 2003 Anne decided to follow a creative urge to become an interior designer. “My engineering boss at the time couldn’t believe it, but he did believe in me and let me work part-time and attend design school.”

Fast forward past owning a green interior design business in Phoenix with former NFL players as clients; to moving to Orcas in 2009 to run OPALCO’s energy efficiency program; to a consulting business; to starting Plan4Space.

Plan4Space is an interior space planning business that focuses on helping people visualize their new interior space in three dimensions (3-D). “I really enjoy helping people optimize their space. So often homeowners getting ready to remodel or people getting ready to build a new home only have a 2-D floor plan from which to visualize how their new space is going to look.

It’s much easier and cheaper to be able to change things around virtually on the computer, instead of waiting until its being built and saying, ‘Oh, I wish I had put the sink on the other wall!’”

Plan4Space offers packages ranging from a few selected views of your space delivered as a jpeg file to full service space planning with a 3-D model in which you can orbit around, change finishes like paint colors and wood type and basically check out all the options of your space.

When she’s not orbiting around interior spaces, Anne’s working on a memoir about her space career experiences. “I have a lot of funny stories to tell like the time I lent my shorts to an astronaut.”

Plan4Space is here on earth to help people visualize their interior space as they want it to be. You can find your new space at: www.Plan4Space.us.