— from San Juan County Communications —

The San Juan County Economic Development Council prepared the current draft of the EDE that reflects Planning Commission’s comments on the previous version.  They will brief the Planning Commission on the proposed changes in the new draft on April 19, 2019.  The current draft is available here https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/18232/2019-03-28_DCD_Draft_Eco_Dev_Elem_PC_04-19-2019

Please provide comments on this draft by April 18, 2019.

Housing Needs Assessment (HNA)

The third draft of the HNA is now available for public comment.  This draft includes additional vacation rental background, 2019 point-in-time homelessness count data, information on the new affordable housing REET, a revised housing unit forecast, a seasonal population projection, and additional conclusions. This draft includes edits recommended by staff, Planning Commission, County Council, and public comments.  The draft HNA is available here https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/18231/2019-03-28_DCD_DRAFT_HNA_PC_04-19-2019

Please provide written comments on this draft of the HNA by April 25, 2019.

Comments on the Two Draft Documents 

Please provide specific feedback on these drafts, including the document title, page and line numbers for each comment. For example:

Page X, Line X should read XXXXXXXXX.


Add XXXXX to Page X, Line X.

Comments can be sent via email to compplancomments@sanjuanco.com using the subject line HNA Commentsor EDE comments.  Please provide separate emails for comments on each document. Comments can also be mailed to:

ATTN: Adam Zack
SJC Dept. of Community Development
PO Box 947
Friday Harbor, WA 98250