— from Susannah Weaver for Orcas Food Co-op —

Orcas Food Co-op 3% Thursday Community Shopping Day Program: August 16, 3% of sales will be donated in support of the Farm to Cafeteria Program.

Two years ago, Orcas Food Co-op launched a Community Shopping Day program called “3% Thursdays.” On the third Thursday of each month 3% of the gross receipts of Orcas Food Co-op are donated to pre-selected community organizations. Last month, 3% Thursday and Round up at the register sales contributed a total of $1462.66 to The Funhouse Commons. This month the Farm to Cafeteria Program will receive 3% of the gross receipts of Orcas Food Co-op sales on Thursday, August 16.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]August 16, 3% of sales will be donated in support of the Farm to Cafeteria Program[/perfectpullquote]

Ashley Randall, a spokesperson for The Farm to Cafeteria Program, says that “The program is dedicated to connecting children with real food. All elementary students gather in our school garden to learn how to grow, harvest, and properly prepare fresh food for consumption. Our cafeteria staff partners with Island farms to procure quality meats and produce for school lunches. Middle schoolers meet the artisans and tour the farms (and co-op!) that build our local food system. We welcome you to visit our garden this summer.”

You can also Round-up at the Register all month long to donate to The Farm to Cafeteria Program. It’s easy to Round Up your purchase. When your cashier asks you if you want to round up for The Farm to Cafeteria Program, simply say “Yes” and you can help support the youth of the island. If you’d like to donate more than the roundup you can do that, too. Just let your cashier know the amount you want to donate, and they can add it to your transaction. Donating to a great cause couldn’t get much simpler than that.

Organizations are eligible for the program based on their service to the community in the following areas: local community service organizations, organic food, healthy food for children or seniors, environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices, human rights, environmental preservation and groups with similar missions and values. The Co-op strives to collaborate with community partners to promote local organizations and their values to our members and the community at large.

If you have any questions please contact the Co-op’s Marketing Specialist, Susannah Weaver, at (360) 376-2009 or email marketing@orcasfood.coop.