The last few years have brought significant changes to the Orcas Island Food Bank. Visits have increased by 300% since 2019. During that period we hired our first Executive Director Amanda Sparks, added temporary storage containers, new outdoor refrigeration units (CoolBots), developed and implemented innovative community programs and are in the process of completing a transition to a “grocery store” model with greater choice, ease and respect for our customers.

And, looking toward the future, we are embarking on a remarkable collaboration with our partners at the Orcas Island Community Foundation, the Orcas Community Resource Center and the OPAL Community Land Trust to
pursue a land purchase and build community facilities including a new Food Bank.

To build the best possible future for the Food Bank and the communities we serve, we’re seeking people interested in joining our board to continue the progress we’ve made, engage islanders in our mission and prepare for building a new facility to provide better and more efficient services. Candidates with board experience, and/or experience in finance, fundraising, grants, communications, wholesale food services, or as food bank customers are preferred, but
experience in these areas is not required.

If you’d like to learn more and/or be considered to join our vital organization, please let us know by contacting board member Janine Heimerich at janine.heimerich@gmail.com.