— from Madie Murray for Orcas Island Food Bank —

Between our generous community members and some suppliers, we usually don’t run short of side dish items or those things you normally pick up to accompany a main dish. But we are beginning to see a rise in clients visiting the food bank lately and side dish items are popular, so we’re running a little short. You can help!

Here’s an idea of what we currently need: boxes of biscuit and/or muffin mix, Rice-a-Roni, Hamburger Helper, rice pilaf, Spanish rice, red beans and rice mixes, instant mashed potatoes and potato au gratin. Also, items such as salad dressings, bottled ketchup, mustard, pickles, relish, pasta sauce, olives would be great, too.

If you find your pantry is a little heavy on some of these items or you wish to pick up an extra or two at the market next time you visit, feel free to bring them by the Food Bank on Madrona next to the Community Church. You may leave them in the bin outside the left side door of the Food Bank building.

We all thank you very much!