Officers of the American Legion observe Flag Day, 2012

Officers of the American Legion observe Flag Day, 2012

The American Legion will observe Flag Day on June 14th, with a ceremony at the  “Outpost” behind the Legion Hall on Crescent Beach Road at 5:30 p.m.  There will be signs and members directing the people for the Flag Ceremony to the Outpost, which has been newly landscaped. The ceremony lasts approximately 20 minutes.

Judi Resch of the Women’s Auxiliary at the Post says, “It is important that our community realize they have a place to bring their old, tired flags for proper disposal. They can drop them off any time after 4 p.m., all year round.”

The parking lot may be a little crowded for the short ceremony as the Legion is hosting Shane Foster’s memorial from 4-7 p.m. “We do, however, want to encourage our community members to participate in this event,”says Resch.