Tuesday, May 8, 2:30 – 5 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Patty Miller, Hospital Commissioner —

San Juan Public Hospital District #3 have scheduled their first meeting for Tuesday, May 8, at 2:30 p.m. in the Eastsound Fire Station. The public is invited to attend as they address the following agenda.

San Juan County Public Hospital District #3
Board of Commissioners
Special Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order

II. Public Comment
a. Please sign in

III. New Business

  • a. Announce election of Commission President and Secretary
  • b. Review Open Public Meeting Act with Randy Gaylord and Amy Vira
  • c. Establish content for minutes – action only or discussion
  • d. Establish frequency of regular meetings and establish date/time/location
  • e. Establish operational rules for conducting meetings
  • f. Consider Resolutions to:
    i. Formally name SJC Public Hospital District #3 as Orcas Island Health Care District
    ii. Appoint SJC Treasurer as the District Treasurer
    iii. Appoint SJC Auditor as the District Auditor
  • g. Review list of initial identified priorities for establishment and operation of PHD
    i. Prioritize list of actions – identify critical path and timeline for highest priorities
    ii. Identify subcommittee or leads needed to gather information for future commission discussion

IV. Public Comment

V. Adjourn