By Jennifer Cunningham

Personnel, equipment and communications for fire and rescue operations took up the bulk of the Orcas Island  Fire and Rescue District Commissioners  work session on Nov. 27.

Commission Chair Barbara Bedell opened up the meeting. District Chief Kevin O’Brien spoke first regarding the search for a new District Financial Officer. There have been three to four interested applicants, including Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). Chief O’Brien is hoping to have the position filled by early January and Rick Anda, the former Financial Officer, was asked to stay on then. (Anda participated in the work meeting by phone conference).

The County Public Safety Boat was the next item for discussion. A target date of 2014 has been set to have the new boat fully operational. Chief O’Brien presented the history of use and costs of the Sheriff’s boat.  The cost for the new boat is $31,400. Next year, the 2013 goal would be a Project Manager (with estimated cost of $4,200).

Upon Commissioner Clyde Duke’s request, Chief O’Brien said that he would provide a spreadsheet. Commissioner Jim Coffin stated his concerns with the project,  and said he would be unable to fully support it, and didn’t want to “give false hope.” Once the Commissioners choose to participate in this project, they are “irrevocably committed,” he said.

Coffin and Duke debated the matter, and strongly agreed that whatever decisions are made, the citizens of Orcas should be completely informed and have their say.

Commissioner Coffin suggested having an open forum for the public, a neutral and productive time; he mentioned that he personally would sit in the audience and “just listen.”

With consensus on that point, a public forum has been set for January 9, 2013 at 5 p.m.

Chief O’Brien announced he will meet with two representatives from OPALCO about the Rural Economic Development Loan, which is given free of charge. Loan amounts can be up to a million dollars, which would be a great benefit to the Fire and Rescue District’s Communications Department, he said.

He spoke of  an immediate and pressing need to receive this loan, to improve the safety and coverage of communications when EMT responders are out serving and assisting. Commissioner Duke indicated that he was aware of the problems and  asked if there were any solutions.

Chief O’ Brien suggested using the broadband that is in service and ask OPALCO and several communications experts for their assistance. The Commissioners and Chief discussed the feasibility and reliability of various solutions, with Chief O’Brien emphasizing that a complete communications system is called for.

During the Public Comment time, the issue of funds for personnel raises and the details of boat transport was raised.

In additional business, the Commissioners were informed that the Paramedic Union Contract expires at the end of this present year, 2012, and that the Paramedics will be under the old contract until a new one is negotiated.