Thursday, April 28 at 5:30 pm at the Eastsound Fire Hall

— from Pat Ayers for the Orcas Board of Fire Commissioners —

This is intended to be a “working session.” The commissioners expect that there will be no opportunity for public comment. Commissioner Heinmiller is expected to attend telephonically.

1. Discuss and act on agreement with Cabot Dow Associates (labor consultant).
2. Discuss and act on Lexipol purchase.
3. Review and act to approve claims, payables and payroll.
4. Discuss matters concerning organizational review.
5. Discuss fire chief search and relationship to organizational review.
6. Report to the board concerning legal requirements to change the size of the board.
7. Executive session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (g) to review the performance of a public employee and to evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment. The Commission will also discuss matters relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement which discussions are exempt from the open public meetings act pursuant to RCW 42.30.140 (4)(a).