— from Marla Johns, Public Information Officer, Orcas Island Fire and Rescue —

UPDATE: 3:30 p.m., July 25:

Orcas Island Fire crews have been on scene of the Minnow Creek Fire since approximately 3 a.m.  Crews from San Juan Fire and Department of Natural Resources responded and assisted in the extinguishment of the fire as well.  At this point, the fire is extinguished and crews are completing final mop up.  Crews from San Juan and DNR will be clearing the fire scene within an hour and Orcas Fire Crews will stay on scene for final mop up which is expected to last until approximately 6 p.m.
The fire resulted in the loss of a cabin and an outbuilding, as well as just over an acre in wildland.  There were no injuries reported and the cause of the fire is under investigation.
OIFR would like to thank all volunteer and staff responders from Orcas, San Juan and Department of Natural Resources as well as to the auxiliary who provided meals for the fire fighters on scene and upon return to the station this evening.  Additional thanks to the neighbors whose quick action to investigate noises in the middle of the night led to the fire being discovered and a resulting rapid response from fire crews.

photo courtesy of Orcas Fire and Rescue staff


Orcas Island Fire crews have been on scene of a wildland fire since approximately 3:00am. The fire, located on Minnow Creek near Pinneo Road, is believed to have begun in a cabin and then spread to the wildland nearby. The cabin and an outbuilding were a total loss. The wildland fire has been contained to approximately one acre. [As of 10 a.m. on July 25] there is still fire burning inside the containment area. A crew from San Juan Island District 3 arrived this morning to assist crews who have remained on scene all night.

Please remember to stay clear of the area to allow crews to have access to the fire scene. Further information will be provided when available.

Update: Learner Limbach, who reported the fire at the end of Minnow Creek Lane at 3:07 a.m. says, “The fire trucks were on the scene in minutes. That was so intense.

“I am so grateful for the firefighters’ quick response because the west side of Orcas could have easily gone up in flames.

“It’s the second fire this month so it seems like we really need to keep getting awareness out about being safe — as well as appreciating firefighters for their service.”