Approach for new chief to be outlined in document at Oct. 25 meeting

By Ken Brown

The Board of Fire Commissioner for the Orcas Island District is involved with a new strategic plan. Three committees have been working on a vision for communication, finance and procedures and policies. The communication and finance committees have nothing new to report. The procedures and policies committee have published a booklet in draft form. It was presented to the Firefighters Association for comments. A copy of this draft is also readily available for all volunteers.

Rick Anda, Chief Financial Officer was on hand to share a first look at the 2012 draft budget. Overall there are no surprises. The 2012 budget was presented section by section. All changes were noted. The 2012 budget is $39,400 higher than last year’s budget, coming in at $1,509,000.

In discussion was about the search for a new District Fire Chief, Commissioner Barbara Bedell offered a preliminary document outlining specifications for the new Chief. Some revisions will be made for “an aspirational document”  that projects a  vision for the Division five years from now that will assist the committee in choosing the right kind of leader, stated Coffin.

All  Commissioners were in agreement that the Search Committee needs to be in place and there should be a line item in the 2012 budget for the search process.  An approach will be adopted at the October 25 working session. A tentative timeline will be worked up by Bedell.

In other business, Fire Commissioners tied up the loose ends concerning the completion of Fire Station #24 in Deer Harbor. The Commissioners have proceeded with a draft agreement between the Fire District and Cayou Valley Water Association. The draft was submitted to counsel and “tweaked.” The agreement is ready stated Jim Coffin, the Commissioner who was in charge of drafting this arrangement.

The Chief Mike Harris will now contract for bids on all the needed water connections. A similar template, like the one used for the Olga Station will inform the itemized list of parts Commissioner Clyde Duke is putting together for the three tank water catchment system. The budget  for the water catchment system comes in at around $5,700. Each tank will require a one foot hole dug to place the tanks. McCoy added drought tolerant trees and amended soil will be used to keep watering at a minimum. Dwight Guss stated that a preliminary drawing was submitted for the three dimensional, free standing firehouse sign for Station #24.

Recently the public comment section of the BOFC meetings has become unruly. Bedell stated she researched the guidelines set forth for all Fire Commissioner’s meetings in Washington. Public Comments are at the discretion of the chair. They are a privilege, not a right.

A recommendation was brought forward suggesting the public submit their
agenda request one week prior to the meeting for consideration. Duke added that public comments equals public access. Coffin added there needs to be balanced between access and protocol. He suggested they think this over and discuss this next month.

Duke remarked that “public comments equals public access.”

Coffin said there needs to be a balance between access and protocol. He suggested they think this over and discuss the matter again next month.

There were public comments about the proposed change to public comments. Pierrette Guimond said that additions/modifications to the agenda could be noted as public requests. Mike Durland wanted clarification. Would the chair automatically include agenda requests or would the chair have veto power? He also hoped that a proposed agenda could be available online ahead of time for public review.