The Board of Fire Commissioners will be holding a special meeting this Wednesday September 18, 5:30 p.m. at Station 21 [Eastsound].

Below are the items that are slated to be discussed at the meeting:

New Business

1. Financial Officer- District Financial Officer Sally Kass has given notice of resignation. Chief O’Brien will introduce Mr. Mark Horaski C.P.A. to the Board of Fire Commissioners. Chief O’Brien is considering the hiring Mr. Horaski to assist the district in Financial Operations.

Old Business

1. 2014 Budget-Chief O’Brien will present an updated budget process timeline to the Board of Fire Commissioners.

2. Strategic Plan- Chief O’Brien to request adoption of the proposed 2013-2014 Strategic Plan by Resolution 2013-04.

3. Guidelines for Public Comment- Board Chair Bedell to request adoption of Resolution 2013-03 establishing public comment guidelines.

For further information, contact 376-2331.