By Ken Brown

At the Orcas Island Fire District meeting on Tuesday, July 12, Fire Commissioners finalized an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources, reviewed progress on the Deer Harbor Fire Station, discussed the Capital Projects budget and considered administrative duties for the county Fire Marshal’s office.

The Department of Natural Resources and the Orcas Fire District have signed an agreement to clarify responsibilities for fire response between them. The agreement also clarifies who is in charge.

The status of Station 24 in Deer Harbor is in its final stages. $25,000 was retained to ensure quality and completion of work. Commissioner Clyde Duke stated that a couple of things still need completion. Chief Financial Officer, Rick Anda, reported the funds will be held for another accounting series, and will be released pending county approval.

Duke described the catchment system at Deer Harbor that will be used. Orcas Excavation installed four hydrants and a vault to catch runoff water. “ All that infrastructure is in place; less then $5,000 has been spent. A lift pump with mechanism is still needed.”

Domestic Water service from the Cayou Valley Water Association is in the operations plan for the Deer Harbor stationplan. The fee is approximately $15,000 which is about the average cost for a water membership. The Association questioned if the Fire Department will use excessive amounts of water. Chief Mike Harris said that if the Fire Department drains a tank during an emergency, it will replace the water used added the Chief. Patrick Shepler, Head Paramedic and Firefighter, stated that a hydrant would only be used in an emergency and that water would not be taken for training or any other kind of activity.

Commissioner Jim  Coffin reported on the progress of the Finance Committee. A rough draft of the projected expenses through 2016 is done and will be presented to small groups within the Fire Department for input and refinement.

Commissioners voted to approve the capital budget resolution. Anda explained that an amendment transferring $250,000 to the 2011 budget from the 2010 budget was needed because the Deer Harbor Station’s construction is ongoing.

In a discussion of the Interlocal Agreement with the Orcas Fire District and the Fire Marshal’s office, Deputy Fire Marshal Paul Turner stated that Orcas Island would take on administrative duties for the County for the Fire Marshal’s office.

Coffin said the draft of the agreement was “weak,” and need to be revised to indicate how funds will be paid, collected and held. “The office of the Fire Marshal should be revenue neutral,” Coffin said.

Chief Harris stated a portion from the earlier draft had been left out, specifically funding the Fire Marshal’s Office (FMO). Duties of the FMO, such as administration of the Fire Code and investigation of fires, need to be accounted for. Harris added that Lopez Island is taking the burden of all fire investigation. Coffin underscored Harris’ comment, saying, “Undertaking time-consuming investigations are costly. How do they get paid? All districts need to be in agreement,”

Turner spoke with both San Juan and Lopez.. They are on board. Anda said he thought the agreement was workable because “It’s simply a function change,”  with Orcas assuming the administrative role.

In public comments Michael Durland asked for clarification on whether his installation of a 30,000 gallon water tank system would require a site specific inspection. He also wondered if the Fire Department would  replace/reimburse water taken from his tank. Chief Harris said he would contact Durland to discuss his specific concerns.