— by Susan McBain, Orcas Issues reporter —

Approving the 2019 Orcas Fire & Rescue (OIFR) budget and considering three applications for the open position on the Board of Fire Commissioners (BOFC) were the big tasks for the BOFC at its November 19 meeting.

OIFR’s expenditures are on track for the year at 84% of the budgeted amount. Overall revenues are exceeding budgeted amounts, running at 98%. In particular, the amount collected through the cost recovery program (reimbursement for EMS calls from insurance companies and nonresidents) is 118% of the budgeted amount for 2018, with two more months to be recorded for the year.

The positive 2018 revenue picture helped Chief Scott Williams and the commissioners decide not to cut two important services from the 2019 budget. Those are one administrative position—which has been responsible in part for management of the cost recovery program—and the participation of Dr. Michael Sullivan in the department’s wellness program. OIFR is also in the process of purchasing an ambulance, currently estimated to cost $180,000. These decisions will cause budgeted expenses ($2,687,494) to exceed budgeted revenues ($2,402,600), which are conservatively based only on confirmed revenues. Chief Williams expects that additional revenue will become available throughout 2019, as in 2018. The BOFC agreed, and voted to approve the proposed budget amounts and certify the levy for 2019.

The BOFC received three applications for the commissioner position vacated by Barbara Bedell’s resignation:

  • Rick Christmas, a management consultant and former health care organization executive;
  • Gulliver Rankin, building contractor, 18-year OIFR volunteer, and volunteer EMT; and
  • Dave Zoeller, OIFR EMT and paramedic for many years, currently an on-call paramedic.

The commissioners will meet with the three applicants in a special meeting as soon as possible. They need to fill the vacant position before their December 17 meeting.

Chief Williams reported that the overall call number through October was 1,060, more than 100 over last year. About 30% of the calls were overlapping, a higher percentage than last year. He is preparing plans and a budget for the new community paramedicine program, which he hopes will begin in early 2019. He expects the department to complete the purchase of the new ambulance in 2019 as well.

Community artist Robin Lassen presented the commissioners with sketches of a departmental memorial to the firefighters of September 11, 2001, which would incorporate the section of I-beam from the Twin Towers that is currently in the OIFR lobby. Each of the four commissioners concurred with Chief Williams that an inside location for the memorial seemed more fitting. Two of the four had personal acquaintances among the firefighters who died that day.

The meeting closed on a celebratory note with a cake in honor of Chief Williams’ birthday.