— by Lin McNulty —

On Monday evening, the Board of Fire Commissioners, wrapped up some important pieces of business with adoption of three resolutions.

Resolution 2016-10, 2017 Property Tax – RCW 84.55.120

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of San Juan County Fire Protection District No. 2 has met and considered its budget for the calendar year 2017; and,

WHEREAS, the population of the district is less than 10,000; and now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of San Juan County Fire Protection District No. 2 that an increase in the regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for the levy to be collected in the 2017 tax year.

The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy from the previous year shall be $25,939, which is a percentage increase of 1.270% from the previous year. The percentage increase is greater than 1% due to the addition of the banked capacity from 2016. This increase is exclusive of additional revenue resulting from new construction, newly constructed wind turbines, any increase the value of state assessed property, any annexations that occurred and refunds made.

Resolution 2016-11, Adoption of 2017 Budget

WHEREAS, the Commissioners of San Juan County Fire Protection District No. 2 held a public hearing on November 21, 2016, to discuss the adoption of its 2017 budget, and

WHEREAS, the Commissioners of San Juan County Fire Protection District No. 2 have determined the anticipated cash on hand plus all anticipated revenues and did fix the appropriate amount for each expenditure line item,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissioners of San Juan County Fire Protection District No. 2 set the final budget for the year 2017 as follows, to wit:

Fund Name Estimated Beginning Fund Balance Sources of Revenue Uses & Expenditures Estimated Ending Fund Balance
General Fund $933,922 $2,361,599 $2,331,282 $964,239
Reserve Fund $77,726 $77,726
TOTAL $1,011,648 $2,363,799 $2,331,282 $1,044,165

Resolution 2016-12, Increase the Board from three commissioners to five commissioners

WHEREAS, San Juan County FPD 2 currently has three fire commissioners; and,

WHEREAS, an increase from three to five commissioners will provide better representation for the residents of San Juan County FPD 2; and

WHEREAS, RCW 52.140.015 provides the opportunity for the voters to decide if they would like to increase from three to five commissioners;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Fire Commissioners of San Juan County FPD 2 request San Juan County place the issue for increasing from three to give elected fire commissioners on the 2017 (year) election ballot for approval or disapproval.

In other business:

Chief Search: The Fire Chief search continues with the next step in the process. Members of OIFR will visit the communities of the two off-island applicants, Martin Fowler of Vashon Island and Jason Napier of Bellingham. The Search Committee will provide the Board of Commissioners with recommendations at the next regular meeting on December 19.

Social Security Issue: Internal Revenue Service has notified Orcas Fire and Rescue (OIFR) that $290,000 is owed for unpaid Social Security benefits. Currently, the situation is being addressed by SJC Auditor Milene Henley with the IRS. Funds are being set aside to cover the amount due.

Wellness Nurse Position: The application process for an hourly Wellness Nurse will begin in January 2017. The Wellness Nurse will provide flu shots, physical exams for OIFR personnel, and other tasks as necessary. The position is under the direction of Dr. Michael Sullivan.

Cost Recovery: Currently, the Cost Recovery program has been instituted as patients receiving services for ALS (Advanced Life Support) and BLS (Basic Life Support) involving a transport, and ALS services with no transport are being billed to recover costs. For full-time island residents, OIFR is accepting insurance reimbursement; off-island residents who received services from the EMS providers are billed in full.

The next meeting for Orcas Fire Commissioners will be on Monday, December 19, 2016, at 5:30 p.m.