............................CALLS FOR SERVICE
 ....................This Report ........Year to Date
 EMS..................  55....................264
 Fire/Other........     13....................80
 Total................. 68.................. .344
 2012..........   1/1/12–6/9/12..............284
 Year to date responses have increased 21%

Fire Chief’s Goals and Priorities for 2013

  • Execute the mission of OIFR through direction of the Board of Commissioners
  • Improve and maintain fiscal accountability for all OIFR operations
  • Provide positive leadership for OIFR and our community
  • Improve reliability and performance for OIFR
  • Update the OIFR strategic plan
  • Provide sound management and oversight for all operations, equipment, facilities, projects and programs for OIFR
    • Update all policy, procedures and guidelines
    • Improve all communications (Radio, Interdepartmental, Community)
    • Expand public programs
  • Foster open and clear communications with the Orcas Island Community and our surrounding partners


Aid Call Friday, May 24: We responded to a neighborhood on Enchanted Forest Road for the report of an adult male with a decreased level of consciousness. The patient was evaluated and found to be requiring immediate follow-up by a physician but did not require transport to an emergency room. Due to poor cell phone coverage, the patient was transported to OIFR Station 21 where responders contacted the local health care professionals for follow-up care. The patient was ultimately transported to Orcas Island Medical Center in stable condition.

Water Rescue Monday, May 27: OIFR responded to the report of an adult male requiring rescue from the water at Bayhead Marina. Prior to OIFR arrival, the man was rescued from the water by an alert citizen who heard the man’s call for help from his home near the marina. The patient was found to be in sound medical condition and did not require further assistance.

Small Debris Fire Friday, May 31: We responded to Kaleidoscope Preschool for the report of a small debris fire outside a storage container used to accept donated household items. On location, responders found a two-foot by three-foot debris fire comprised mainly of fabric and couch inside the container with burn marks. The fire was fully extinguished and is under investigation by the San Juan County Fire Marshal.

House Fire At approximately 3:15 a.m. on Friday, June 7: 25 OIFR firefighters with ten response vehicles were dispatched to a home in the Willis Lane neighborhood near Obstruction Pass for the report of a house fire with the report of explosions. Arriving responders found the home to be fully involved in fire and quickly began fire suppression operations. The home was reported by the owner to be unoccupied. There were no injuries to civilians or responders and damage was confined to the home and a detached carport. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation by the San Juan County Fire Marshal.


Strategic Planning The OIFR Strategic Planning Work Group has completed the majority of work in preparing a five-year strategic plan. Staff is now processing the document for presentation to the Board of Fire Commissioners for the July regular meeting.
Orcas Cares Program On Wednesday, June 5, representatives of the Orcas Cares program including Medical Program Director Dr. Michael Sullivan, Chief O’Brien, Assistant Chief Preysz, and Senior Center Director Marla Johns met with the public at the Senior Center to present the Orcas Cares Program.The Orcas Cares program helps seniors and disabled people and has proven to be a success since it’s inception in April. A key to the success of the program has been the partnerships with the OIFR, San Juan County Sheriff, Orcas Senior Center, Orcas Island Medical Foundation, Lahari, the Lions Club, and other organizations with an interest in providing assistance to others. Since the program began, twelve Orcas citizens have received assistance through Orcas Cares.

Community Wildfire Drill OIFR participated in a community-based drill in Deer Harbor on Saturday, May 18, simulating a wildfire on Spring Point with marine evacuations of and a medical evacuation by helicopter. Other agencies participating were the San Juan County Sheriff, San Juan County Department of Emergency Management, Airlift Northwest and The Red Cross. Thank you to community members David Schermerhorn and Bob Connor for organizing the event.

Washington State Fire Chief’s Conference Chief O’Brien attended the Washington Association of Fire Chief’s Annual Conference in Yakima. Of particular discussion was the criteria used by the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau in assigning insurance ratings to property in Washington State.

Paramedic/Duty Officer Search The official opening for the Paramedic/Duty Officer position was recently advertised in local and national media. OIFR currently has openings for three full time Paramedic/Duty Officers. Applicants will be screened and tested through a comprehensive assessment center to be held over the course of the last week in June. It is our goal to have the new Paramedic/Duty Officers hired by August 1.

Chili Cook-Off/Bicycle Safety Course The Orcas Island Volunteer Firefighter and EMT Association hosted a Chili Cook Off/Bicycle Safety Course on Saturday June 1st. The event proved to be a tasty success with many people volunteering time and their culinary expertise. Special thanks to all the participants and volunteers, including Sheriff Rob Nou, SJC Sheriff’s Deputies, The Lower Tavern, and OIFR members. The Blue Ribbon was awarded to Chef Heather Thomas representing The Orcas Family Health Center; Second Place went to OIFR Station 21, Third Place was awarded to OIFR Station 26. The funds raised at the event will help the volunteer association support the scholarship program and other programs of giving. Thank you for your support, we hope everyone had as much fun as we did!

Truck-A-Palooza 2013 Ten OIFR members and four emergency vehicles joined an assortment of Orcas Island community members and businesses in Truck-A-Palooza 2013 hosted by Orcas Family Health Center at the Eastsound Airport. Congratulations to Assistant Chief Mik Preysz and the crew from Airlift Northwest who won the truck pull competition.


Firewise OIFR will convene our newly formed Firewise Team this week where we will develop a plan for our community Firewise program.

EMS Townhall On Thursday, June 13, at 4:00 p.m. Orcas Island Fire and Rescue invites the community to a “Town Hall” meeting to explain our emergency medical program and discuss possible solutions for after-hours medical care. Your thoughts and input would be greatly appreciated.

Pancake Breakfast Our Volunteer Association will be hosting our world famous pancake breakfast on Saturday, July 6, at the Eastsound Fire Hall. Bring your family and guests to this tasty event as it is always fun and no one leaves hungry.