January 8, through February 11, 2013

............................CALLS FOR SERVICE
 ....................This Report ........Year to Date
 EMS..................  67....................77
 Fire/Other........     12....................15
 Total................. 79.................. .92
 2012..........   1/1/12-2/11/12..............62
 Year to date responses have increased 32.6%


  • Execute the mission of OIFR through direction of the Board of Commissioners
  • Improve and maintain fiscal accountability for all OIFR operations
  • Provide positive leadership for OIFR and our community
  • Improve reliability and performance for OIFR
  • Update the OIFR strategic plan
  • Provide sound management and oversight for all operations, equipment, facilities, projects and programs for OIFR
  • Update all policy, procedures and guidelines o Improve all communications (Radio, Interdepartmental, Community) o Expand public programs
  • Foster open and clear communications with the Orcas Island Community and our surrounding partners


Ill Female with Marine Transport On Wednesday, January 30, we assisted an ill adult female who required transport to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bellingham. Due to weather conditions, there was no aeromedical transport available. Utilizing established protocols with the United States Coast Guard, OIFR was able to secure marine transport to the Bellingham area via a U.S. Custom’s and Border Patrol vessel.

Motor Vehicle Accident On Tuesday, February 5, we assisted an adult female who had been involved in a significant motor vehicle accident in the area of Raccoon Point. The patient was transferred to Airlift Northwest and transported to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bellingham.

Man Trapped in Mine Shaft Orcas Island Fire & Rescue responded to a call for an Orcas citizen trapped in an abandoned mineshaft on Mt. Constitution at 5:04 p.m. on Friday, February 8. Arriving rescuers found a 52-year-old male who was tangled in his ropes and suspended upside down in an abandoned mine shaft near the Cold Springs trail in Moran State Park. The man was accompanied by a friend who was able to hale hikers on the trail who then called 911. Thirty-two OIFR members and four units were involved in the incident. Responders hiked approximately three quarters of a mile from a trailhead and initiated well-practiced rope rescue operations resulting in a successful rescue approximately two hours and fifteen minutes from the time of dispatch. After a medical evaluation by OIFR EMS personnel, the man was determined to be uninjured.

Fire at the Exchange On Saturday, February 9, at 4:48 p.m., After a long day of training recruit firefighters, Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Captain Bob Nutt was driving by the Orcas Transfer Station in an OIFR water tender (tanker truck) and noticed smoke and flames coming from the Exchange complex. Captain Nutt called for additional help and began firefighting operations. He noted significant fire involvement in the heart of the Exchange complex with flames extending to the trees within the complex. Forty-five OIFR members and ten units responded to the incident that lasted over five hours. Water for the fire was transported by OIFR tenders from a pond located approximately one half mile away from the fire. There were no injuries to civilians or responders. The cause of the fire is determined to be accidental in nature.


On Wednesday, January 9, 5:00 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall, OIFR hosted a “town hall” meeting to ask our public to comment on the following questions:

  • How should OIFR be involved in the operations, maintenance and expenses for the Marine Operations User’s Group?
  • To what extent should the Fire District provide or pay for services outside of the district’s boundaries?
  • How should the district operate and fund the following?
    • Medical transport to the mainland
    • Marine search and rescue operations
    • Assistance to other islands whose residents do not provide financial support to any fire district
  • Should the district seek reimbursement for any of the services mentioned above?

OIFR will be hosting a second “town hall” meeting to address the topics mentioned above on Thursday, March 7, 6:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.


Following an assessment center evaluation process, the following promotions were made for Volunteer Lieutenant: Lieutenant 21: George Schermerhorn; Lieutenant 22: Ian Wareham; Lieutenant 24: Alan Stameisen; Lieutenant 27; Ted McKey

Jim Schuh received a provisional appointment to Eastside Captain 23. Jim stepped up to help OIFR fill a key position until such time as we are able to conduct an examination process.

Orcas Island Fire and Rescue continues our recruitment campaign for firefighter maintenance technician. After a physical fitness evaluation and a written examination, there are currently six candidates who will be involved in an assessment center on February 8 and 9.

We celebrated our annual awards banquet at Camp Orkila to recognize and show appreciation for all member of OIFR. The following are the award recipients for 2012:

Healthy Responder – Jessica Haug • Service Behind the Scene – Pat Ayers, Dwight Guss, Auxiliary Team • Most Inspirational of the Year – Rita Harvey, Kevin O’Brien • Above and Beyond – Critical Incident Stress Management Team • EMS Provider of the Year – Bob Phalan and Alan Stameisen • The Golden Hour – Gulliver Rankin • Reliable Responder – Liam Nutt • Officer of the Year – Bob Nutt • Fire Service Provider of the Year – Cameron Fralick, George Schermerhorn • Station of the Year – Search and Rescue Division/Lt Rich Harvey • Member/Volunteer of the Year – Ted McKey • Medical Program Director Award – Gulliver Rankin • Citizen of the Year – Rick Doty, Long Live the Kings Volunteers, Jim and Kathy Youngren • The Heritage Club – Rick Anda, Maxx Jones • The Maxx – Rita Harvey • Service Award – Lindsay Schirmer, • The Chiefs Award – Rick Anda

Service Recognition

5 years: Jack Delisle, Ted McKey; 10 years: Chad Kimple, Paul Turner; 15 years: Maria Nutt, Bob Phalan, Clyde Duke; 20 years: Bob Nutt, Perry Pruett, Mik Preysz. 25 years: Val Harris, Rita Harvey; 30 years: Dave Mowrey

Staff visited the children at the Fun House Commons after-school program and gave a presentation on fire safety and taught the kids how to use fire extinguishers.

Staff assisted Orcas Island Elementary School in the delivery of a hand-washing program designed to prevent the spread of illness. The program focused on teaching kids the importance and practice of sanitary hand washing.

Chief O’Brien, his wife, Orcas Elementary School Counselor Nancy O’Brien, and member James Scheib were members of a community workgroup who met multiple times over the course of a week to reach a consensus on what improvements to local practices and attitudes we can make in order to lower the risk of an event occurring on Orcas Island similar to the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Chief O’Brien, Assistant Chief Preysz, Sherrif Rob Nou and Assistant Emergency Manager Dave Halloran met with community members in Deer Harbor to plan a community based emergency management drill scheduled to take place in May.

Members attended a regional pediatric medical conference in Bellingham.

Staff met with Senior Center Director Marla Johns to discuss a cooperative effort to assist seniors in need of assistance.

Contract negotiations have begun with the firefighter paramedic’s union.

OIFR continues training of our 23 new recruits with recent ladder and ventilation drills in Friday Harbor and pump operation training at the Eastsound Fire Hall.

Special thanks to Captain Jeff Larsen for his service with OIFR. Due to personal career changes, Jeff has requested to change his employment status from full- time paramedic/duty officer to per diem (“relief”) status. Thank you Jeff!


OIFR will launch our strategic planning process on February 28 with a goal of completing the process by May 14.

OIFR will be hosting a second “town hall” meeting to address the same topics on Thursday, March 7, 6:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.

On April 27, OIFR will be hosting a memorial service for esteemed, retired Battalion Chief John Cavalli.