Saturday, June 25, 8:30 – 10:30 p.m., Stonebridge-Terrill Preserve, Orcas Island

The Wonder of Bats with UW PhD Candidate, Rochelle Kelly

— from Tanja Williamson —


Townsend Big-eared Bat

Join us for a dusk to dark field-trip with biologist Rochelle Kelly. Learn about local bat species and how they utilize our preserve lands. Where do they sleep? What do they eat? Is their population healthy and stable? What questions are researchers asking about island bats, and why should we care?

Rochelle will discuss methods used in surveying bat populations, demonstrate acoustic monitoring, and explain the importance of efforts to protect bats and their habitats.

Meet and park at the Stonebridge-Terrill Preserve parking area off Mt. Baker Road. Bring warm clothing. Headlamps or flashlights are recommended.

This event is presented by San Juan County Land Bank, is free to the public, and does not require pre-registration.

Questions? Contact Tanja Williamson at 360-378-4402 or email