— by Caroline Buchanan —


I really don’t want it, need it
I am happy with my finally familiar functional computer.
But if I don’t get an account with Washington State Ferry Reservation System
I may not be able to get on the ferry.
I really don’t want to…
but I guess I better get a reservation account.

Oh no you can’t!
Your browser isn’t smart enough.
It isn’t up to date enough to take our security cookies.
You have to have our security cookies
before you can have a reservation
so you can get on the ferry.

I really don’t want the security cookies.
I like my computer the way it is,
but I better upgrade my browsers
so I can get the security cookies
so I can have a reservation account
so I can get on the ferry.

Oh no you can’t!
Your computer isn’t clever enough, new enough
to upgrade your browser
so you can have the security cookies,
so you can have a reservation account,
so you can get on the ferry.
You need a newer Operating System
to have a browser smart enough
to have the security cookies that you need for the reservation you need
Or you might not get on the ferry.

I really don’t want the newer Operating System
to have a smarter browser
so my computer can enjoy the security cookies
that go with the reservation system for the ferry
so I can get on the ferry
but I guess I better call and get it.

Yes yes you can.
You need a new OS
We will send you the upgrade in a secret PDF email.
Yes we will.
We will send you the password in a separate email.
You enter the password to get to your upgrade.
When you can navigate your upgrade
you will have a smarter browser
that will enable the security cookies to come on
so you can sign up for a reservation
and be able to get on the ferry.

Oh sorry sorry
we sent you an invalid password
and you had to stay on hold for 43 minutes
while our rap music, so totally cool,
drowned out your own music.

Oh sorry sorry sorry that we sold you the wrong upgrade.
It would not have worked at all
If you had a valid password
And tried to upgrade your computer
So your clever browser could handle the cookies
Of the Washington State Ferries reservation accounts
So you could have a reservation
And get on the ferry.

Sorry sorry
What you really need is some other animal
not leopard or mountain lion but another…
We will send it.
Not to worry. What is your address?
We will send the perfect animal-named operating system.
Maybe Friday it will be at the post office.
When you install it and let your Leopard go,
You can upgrade and upgrade all the way to Yosemite!!
And then you will have a smarter browser
With all the cookies in the store
And get all the reservations you might need
so you can finally get onto the ferry.

What’s this? I can just make a reservation
With the Washington State Ferries account
Without an upgraded browser
Without the cookies
Without wild animals or national parks
With my finally familiar functional computer
I can arrange to drive on the ferry.
I just had to click a different button.