On Jan. 31, Ferries Division Secretary of Transportation David Moseley wrote:

We released the Revised Draft Long-Range Plan for the ferry system. The Revised Draft Plan updates a document released on Dec. 19, 2008, for public review and comment. We accepted comments on the draft plan through Monday, Jan. 26, 2009. During the 38-day comment period, we conducted ten public hearings in ferry-served communities to present the draft plan and to listen to public testimony. The public hearings were attended by over 1,300 individuals and hundreds in attendance gave public testimony. In addition, we received over 800 written comments. I want to thank everyone who took the time to attend a hearing or write us with their comments. We have reviewed all the comments and, where possible, made some modifications to the draft plan scenarios.

The Revised Draft Plan defines two very different visions for the state ferry system. Scenario A would make minor improvements to the system, but it would also require $3.3 billion of additional funding over the next 22 years. Meanwhile, Scenario B would cut back some service and pare the system to its bare essentials, reducing the unfunded need but still requiring $1.3 billion in new funding.

The Revised Draft Long-Range Plan begins the policy discussion, and presents for the communities, the Legislature and the Governor scenarios that seek to balance achievable service goals and funding requirements. We need to emerge from this legislative session with clear policy direction and a budget that sets a sustainable course for the future of the ferry system.

You may obtain a copy of the Revised Draft Long-Range Plan, as well as all of the public comments received between Dec. 19, 2008 and Jan. 26, 2009, online at https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/planning/ESHB2358

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