Moseley Addresses Fare Hike, Holiday and New Winter Schedule

David Moseley, Assistant Department of Transportation Secretary for Ferries, reported on Dec. 17:

“The Governor presented her balanced budget for 2011-2013 Wednesday morning, which is available at The budget spoke to the difficult times the state is facing.

“For a number of years, we have grappled with a shortfall in funding for both ferry capital projects and ferry operations, patching the system together with short-term transfers from non-ferry transportation accounts. This approach is not sustainable.

“Over the last two years, WSF has made progress in significantly reducing expenditures by $28 million annually. In addition, our employees did not take their arbitrated salary increase, which saved WSF $17 million. However, this is still not enough.

“The Governor’s budget includes further reductions in ferry administrative costs and continues to transfer funds from highway sources. But even with these actions, funding is insufficient to maintain current service levels in the next biennium. Therefore, the Governor also is proposing a combination of fare increases and service cuts.

“In making service reductions, priority was placed on reducing service instead of eliminating routes and the reductions were spread throughout the system. I recognize that this is incredibly difficult for our ferry-served communities and news that no one wants to hear.

“I have held nine community meetings around the sound this winter speaking to this issue. You can find information about the proposed service reductions as well as efficiencies and reforms already implemented in our community meeting materials at

Fare Increase on Jan. 1

“You may recall in a previous weekly report that the Washington State Transportation Commission approved a 2.5 percent across-the-board fare increase at their Nov. 15 meeting. The State Attorney General’s Office (AGO) has been requested to provide an opinion about whether voter-approved initiative 1053 would rescind this increase and send it to the Legislature for approval. At this point, we are proceeding with the changes necessary to implement the fare increase on Jan. 1. If the AGO issues an opinion to change that direction, we will adjust at that time.

Ferry Sailing Schedule Update

“[The Anacortes-San Juan Islands] route will operate on its normal sailing schedules throughout the holidays. As a reminder, the winter sailing schedule begins on Jan. 2. For more information, visit”