Spring Schedule Starts this Sunday

— by Margie Doyle —

Starting March 20 there will be a change of Washington State Ferries (WSF) policy re the time when reservation holders are to arrive at the ferry terminal– what WSF calls the “arrival window.”

Jim Corenman, Chair of the San Juan County Ferries Advisory Committee (FAC) quotes from the WSFweb page titled “Terms and Conditions Prior to Reservation Payment” “Effective March 20, 2016, reservation check-in at the tollbooth must occur 30 minutes or more prior to scheduled departure. If not checked in by this time, the reservation will not be valid and you will travel standby (on the next available sailing)”

Reservation holders who arrive later will be converted to standby status and put in line with other standbys. Their reservations will be redeemed, but they may not make the sailing depending on the number of standbys already in line.

This policy will be enforced. The only exception will be when there are service disruptions causing vessel delays of 15 minutes or more and an alert has been sent by Customer Service advising the public of the delay. The arrival time requirement will then be pushed back in alignment with the adjusted sailing time, i.e. 30 minutes in advance of the new sailing time.

The Spring Schedule will also begin on March 20: see https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/pdf/2016Spring.pdf