The FEAST kids will host a summer's-end program on Oct. 18. Pictured above are, from left,

The FEAST kids will host a summer's-end program on Oct. 18. Pictured above are, from the left: Alex Brown, Kelsey Whitaker, Samantha Tidwell, Connor Palmatian, Cameron Schuh, Cameron Smart, Huxley Smart, Sofie Thixton, Paelle Powell, Halley McCormick, (Lee Gibbons is hiding behind Kelsey)

This generation of teen-agers are putting the words of a former generation to work as they get themselves “Back to the Earth.” FEAST students’ hopes and labors will be celebrated with a slide show and dinner on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall. The slide show will be a photo story of the summer, presented by all involved.
F.E.A.S.T. stands for “Farm Education and Sustainability for Teens.” This summer students worked with an amazing group of farmers, blacksmiths, carpenters, educators and community members. The final dinner is a way for the students to share the things they learned this summer with the larger community, says Funhouse Assistant Director Whitney Hartzell.

This is the second year of the FEAST program.

This year, it is strictly a Funhouse program; last year it was part of the  the Orcas Rec program. The students receive school credit, under the career/tech education department, accredited by Kari Schuh.  They may earn one semester’s credit for 90 hours with the program, or if they complete 180 hours with the program, they recieve a full year’s worth of credit.

Live music will further entertain banquet quests. Charly Robinson will be playing ukulele, and some of the FEAST kids will be playing music as well. The delicious menu will be made of island grown, seasonal foods, cooked by Libi Geddes, and Yuriko Bullock.

FEAST dinner tickets will be sold ahead of time at Smith & Speed, Darvill’s, and The Funhouse. There will also be a booth at the Saturday Farmers Market on Oct. 17 for late buys. Tickets will be $25 for adults and $15 for kids.

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