feast kids and baby goat

FEAST kids Halley, Clover and Meggie look on as Melanie holds the kid Wisdom

At Liberty Park in the heart of Eastsound, high school kids met Zelda, the mom, and Wisdom — her kid, literally!

Zelda and Wisdom were the guests of honor at the FEAST (Farm Education and Sustainability for Teens) kick-off party on Friday, June 1.

The popular summer program, coordinated by Learner Limbach this year, will  take place twice weekly for a total of 90 hours that will qualify for high school science credit.

The class now has eight students, but Limbach says it can hold up to 14. The curriculum is intended to empower youth and other community members with sustainable living skills. It includes permaculture at the Bullocks Homestead, biodynamic farming on Lopez, bee-keeping, myco-remediation, natural building, rocket stove building, a trip to Waldron Island for seaweed harvesting and wildcrafting with Ryan Drum, growing food for the Farm-to-Cafeteria program and animal husbandry.

Some of the summer classes will be open to adults. For more information contact Learner at 376-4048 or email foodmasters.orcas@gmail.com