Sucia Island on a visit in May 2010.

September 11, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

San Juan Nature Institute is again hosting local geologist Michael Yeaman as he repeats a popular workshop on the Geology of Sucia in September. This workshop was sold out in 2010 and is back by popular demand.

Participants will meet at a local coffee bar for an introductory talk before embarking for Sucia.

Participants should bring a sack lunch and wear stout walking shoes suitable for walking on cobble beaches.

Weather conditions can and do vary during the day in the islands, so it is important to come prepared. Please be sure to bring the following: clothing appropriate for the weather conditions, comfortable walking shoes, brown bag lunch.

The following items are optional: binoculars for watching wildlife, paper and pens for field notes, bottled water. There may be no place for you to store personal items, so please be prepared to carry whatever you bring throughout the class.

Fee for the workshop is $55. Call 378-3646 for additional information or visit to register online.

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