Tuesday, January 17 at 1 p.m. at the Orcas Library

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is an international bestseller on the subject of creativity. Kate Gavigan’s talk on creativity will highlight the primary tools of creative recovery that Julia Cameron outlines in her international bestseller on creativity: The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. In the interactive talk, attendees will learn about and get to interact with the three key tools: 1) Morning Pages (writing 3 pages longhand of stream of consciousness writing), 2) Artist’s Dates (solo fun dates with yourself) and 3) completing some fun creativity exercises.

Kate will facilitate discussion on the gifts that can come from The Artist’s Way book and share how the material has helped her and her Artist’s Way students more fully and genuinely know themselves, discover and rediscover their gifts and talents and have more fun and joy in their lives.

Julia Cameron notes that “In order to retrieve your creativity, you need to find it.” The material in this book and the tools described in the talk can help attendees start to do just that!

There is no fee charged for this class. Class size is limited to 20 Participants. Please phone or visit the Library to sign up-376-4985

Kate Gavigan is passionate about The Artist’s Way, having seen the positive changes occurring in her Artist’s Way students’ lives and having personally experienced the benefits of the materials. Kate worked as a social services trainer for 10 years when she found herself drawn to the material in The Artist’s Way which helped her uncover a passion for acting and the arts. She credits her mid-life career change (now working at her dream jobs as an Artist’s Way Instructor and Speaker, Creativity Coach, Home Organizer and an aspiring Actor) to having worked through The Artist’s Way materials.