— a review by Leif —

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Orcas has talent! Always on a quest to find new ways to showcase Orcas’ amazing drama resources, Actors Theater has enticed local playwrights to create three new one-act plays for local talent around a central theme. Bravo.

Have you ever wondered about how any of the unique worlds of Actors Theater’s popular, tightly packed ten minute dramas might appear with a longer look? This is your chance.

  • Lilacs by Michele Griskey gives freedom to a hunted woman in a haunted house in the person of someone sort of like…Suzanne Gropper, who loves chocolate and the Lindy Hop. Humorous and wise.
  • I Used to Live Here by James Wolf discovers romance through stuffed animals and dangerous kitchen cutlery. Really. And really sweet.
  • Safe & Warm by Lin McNulty finds enough grit to build a sand castle that protects two people long enough to share their hearts before the incoming tide. You might think on this one.

Some of your favorite stage neighbors besides Suzanne realized these worlds for us with great professionalism, including in order: Vanessa Moriarty & Kevin Doyle, Emmy Gran & Kelly Toombs, Gillian Smith & Freddy Hinkle.

Approximately half of Orcas Island, including children, participated in filling in for the vacationing Doug Bechtel whose spirit continued to guide this gift to Orcas in his absence. Still in recovery, The Exchange was represented by the contents of numerous local attics, crawl spaces and storage units (and may feature items you recognize!). We miss you both.

“Familiar Distance” continues Saturday, November 5, and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, November 21-23 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and available from Darvills or online through Brown Paper Tickets at orcasactors.com.

Subject matter is for mature audiences.