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The beautiful Pacific Northwest, as seen on Shawna Franklin and Leon Somme's trip around Vancouver Island.

Tuesday, April 24 at 7 p.m. at the Orcas Island Senior Center

From Janet Brownell

This past summer, Orcas Islanders Shawna Franklin and Leon Somme took 44 days away from their kayak school, Body Boat Blade to paddle around 700 nautical miles around Vancouver Island.

Vancouver Island can challenge the most seasoned paddler with some of the fastest ocean currents and tidal races in the world, fog with 0% visibility, kelp beds that can force you a mile offshore, and Pacific swell that pounds headlands, and explodes over extensive boomer fields. It is also a place of remarkable natural beauty with a mix of steep snow capped mountains, deep fjords, surf swept sandy beaches with rocky headlands, sea stacks, and some of the biggest trees in the world!

The wildlife can only be matched in Alaska and Russia. They encountered a plethora of wildlife including wolves, bears, mink, whales, sea lions, sea otters and more!

On Tuesday, April 24 at 7 p.m. you can hear about Shawna and Leon’s remarkable expedition. The talk will be held at the Senior Center, at 7 p.m.

Admission is by donation – and all proceeds will go to support our public schools through the Orcas Island Education Foundation.