Saturday, March 11, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Orcas School Cafeteria

— from Sandy Wilson —

Please mark your calendars for Saturday the 11th of March and come to the Winter Book Sale at the school cafeteria. What will you find there? Table after table of books sorted by categories. What categories? The many categories include fiction (hardback, trade and paperback), geography, history, science, mystery, biography, CDs, cookbooks, books for children from board book through to young readers, education…

You get the idea.

Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. you can wander from table to table and select books. Your neighbors may be there for a visit, children might begin reading their new books under a table, and volunteers in red vests will be tidying the books as needed.

Friends of the Library is an organization that is all about books—just as this Friends-sponsored event is also all about books. They have been donated by the Orcas community to be resold knowing the proceeds go to our Orcas Island Public Library.

WHAT?  Library Winter Book Sale

WHERE?  School cafeteria

WHEN?  Saturday, March 11, 2017 from 10 – 3 p.m.

WHY?  Fundraiser for our Library.

WHO?  The more the merrier…