from Orcas Recycling Services

ORS/The Exchange is pleased to announce that beginning immediately batteries of all kinds will be accepted for appropriate recycling.

Household batteries will be accepted for $2.00 per pound. Vehicle batteries of all types will be accepted for free.

“This is another service people have been asking for, and we are excited to provide it,” says Pete Moe, Executive Director of ORS/The Exchange. “It’s a little tricky to sort batteries properly, but we look forward to working with the pubic on the education piece.”

At the new Battery Recycling Station, buckets for each type of battery have been provided with pictures of the different battery types on the lids. Staff will also be able to assist with the sorting.

“We will also provide an online guide to battery sorting on our website,” says Moe. “We would ask folks to sort them at home if possible.”

Certain types of batteries also need to have the terminals taped for safety reasons. Complete information on sorting and safety can be found at

ORS/The Exchange continues to improve service and prices at the Orcas Transfer station. Along with batteries, they also accept TVs, monitors, computers and all types of appliances for appropriate recycling.

The transfer station is also now open five days a week: Thursday through Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Orcas Recycling Services/The Exchange is a community-driven non-profit committed to the sustainable, responsible management of Orcas Island’s waste stream. ORS/The Exchange has been operating the Orcas Island Transfer Station since September, 2013.