— from Orcas Recycling Services —

Jeff Ludwig (left) new Exchange Manager; Peg O’Hara (center) is retail & merchandising consultant; and Jim “Duff” Duffield (right) is volunteer coordinator.

Orcas Recycling Services (ORS) is pleased to introduce a stellar management team for the new Exchange reuse center. Jeff Ludwig has accepted the position of Exchange Manager; Peg O’Hara will assist as retail and merchandising consultant; and Jim “Duff” Duffield will act as volunteer coordinator.

Ludwig, who arrived on Orcas in 1993, is well known to Orcas Islanders and Exchange patrons in particular—as he worked at the pre-fire Exchange for 16 years.

“I am excited and inspired as I return to The Exchange to steward its next evolution,” says Ludwig. “The current zero-waste goal of ORS and The Exchange is in my opinion a vital step toward a necessary change needed in our society’s instant gratification and throw away mentality.”

Jeff will be joined part-time by Peg O’Hara, who brings a wealth of experience in retail management to the operation. Peg worked for 25 years in the natural foods/grocery industry, opening and managing retail operations with overall responsibility for P&L, labor, employee training, and customer service. “I love contributing to this thriving community, I am committed to reuse and recycling, and I am a retail nerd, so this role feels like a great fit.”

Peg, who has lived on Orcas for three years, currently serves on the Orcas Food Coop board of directors and volunteers as a driver for the senior center.

The Exchange team is rounded out by Jim “Duff” Duffield. Duff is a member of the Orcas Recycling Services Board, and will be offering his time as volunteer coordinator for The Exchange. Before moving to Orcas full-time in 2014, Duff was a long-time volunteer with Habitat for Humanity (HFH), serving six years on the Skagit affiliate’s board, three as president. One of the founders of the Skagit HFH retail store, he brings incredible experience to help with start-up of the new Exchange.

“My experience with the Skagit Habitat for Humanity Store taught me two things–we can make an impact in the community beyond what we first thought, and you cannot do it without volunteers,” says Duff. “When I offered to be the volunteer coordinator for The Exchange, I was told that volunteers would be there to support us, and I’m counting on that. We’ll find a way to use each and every volunteer in a productive way, so thanks in advance to all.”

“We are so fortunate to have such an experienced, professional group on board right out of the gate,” says Pete Moe, ORS Executive Director. “I can’t wait to get the doors open.”

Volunteers will indeed be critical to building out and staffing The Exchange. Anyone interested in volunteering—in any capacity—is encouraged to contact ORS directly, or visit the ORS/Exchange website at www.exchangeorcas.org/volunteer where you can sign up, and describe your skills and interests.

Orcas Recycling Services/The Exchange is a community-driven 501(c)(3) non-profit with a mission to: “Build a zero-waste community through service, education, and stewardship of our waste/resource stream.” Orcas Recycling Services/The Exchange has been in operation since 1984, and managing the Orcas Island Transfer Station since September 2013.