Friday – Sunday, August 7 – 9 at Eastsound Airport

 — from the Experimental Aircraft Association  —

Everyone is invited to come out to the airport for the 32nd annual Orcas Fly-In!

Sponsored by the local Experimental Aircraft Association chapter, the event brings together airplanes and pilots from around the West and Canada each year for flying and camaraderie. Airplanes begin arriving on Friday about noon and most stay until Sunday morning. Volunteers are needed on Saturday to help park the incoming airplanes.

For info call Dwight Guss at 317-5970 or Gil Blinn at 376-6579.

Activities include a fly-by of the Blackjack squadron of RVs (small experimental aircraft) from Arlington around noon on Saturday. Alan Anders and Craig Nelson will be flying their military planes in formation. The volunteer firefighters offer their annual pancake breakfast both Saturday and Sunday mornings beginning at 7 a.m. at the firehouse across the street. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be sold on Friday and Saturday at the fly-in along with ball caps and tee shirts featuring John Altberg’s Air Coupe. Frank Loudin will also have his artwork on display. There is no charge to attend the fly-in.

Nearby at the dog park on Saturday, the Orcas Classic Car Club will have cars on display.