Today, Dec. 6 at 3 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

The Eastsound Planning Review Committee will discuss changes in the works that will dramatically affect the “downtown” Eastsound appearance. Scheduled on the agenda are a review of the Streetscape Plans to provide some curbs, sidewalks and corners on Prune Alley and a review of the permit application to expand the Outlook Inn on Main Street.

Council members Richard Fralick and/or Patty Miller will attend to give updates on Council matters such as waste disposal/transfer station contracts, the CAO updates and changes to the Charter form of government.

County Senior Planner Colin Maycock will present updates to the use tables for the Eastsound Growth Management Area.

Current members of the EPRC, an unfunded county governance advisory committee, are: Clyde Duke, Ted Grossman, Rick Hughes, Fred Klein, Gulliver Ranker (Chair), and Teri Williams.

The public is welcome to attend all EPRC meetings, and there is a public comment period.