Thursday, August 2 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

“I heard that he said…”

“I read that they did…”

With elections around the corner, and the County officials and public up to their eyeballs in Orcas Transfer Station bids and solid waste disposal plans, Critical Areas Ordinance updates and Shoreline Master Plan compliance with the Growth Management Act, new excise tax rates and a decision by voters on a public safety tax increase, not to mention wetlands, road improvements, tree removal, conditional use permits and the Eastsound Streetscape Plan, it’s hard to know whether we’re coming or going.

The Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) meets monthly to hear from public advisors, county staff and legislators, and development proponents. There you can hear directly, and question, the information, processes and timelines in these matters.

The agenda for the EPRC meeting tomorrow, August 2, calls for an overview by EPRC Vice-Chair Bob Connell, who is resigning from the board this month as his family moves to the Bellevue area, and a presentation of options for the vacant Vern’s Bayside Cafe property by Mariah Buck of Windermere Properties.

There will also be an update on Council business by Orcas Council representatives Patty Miller and/or Richard Fralick, and on the Streetscape Plan to put in curbs and sidewalks on Prune Alley in Eastsound.