The Eastsound Planning Review Committee shall advise the Planning Department, Planning Commission and Council on land use and development matters affecting Eastsound.

Would you like to work with a team to give input and make recommendations to the San Juan County Council, the Planning Commission, and the Department of Community Development on important issues affecting Eastsound like planning goals & regulations, parking issues, density, screening etc.?  Would you like to become familiar with the Eastsound Sub Area Plan, and review land use and building permits applications for Eastsound?  The County and EPRC are looking for new members of all ages and walks of life who are residents of Orcas Island, who can attend monthly meetings, read, review and give input on studies, permits, and County initiatives.

If you are interested you can apply on the County website at https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/1684/Citizen-Advisory-Committee-Application-PDF?bidId=

You are also cordially invited to attend our meetings in person at the Senior Center, the first Thursday of each month 3pm to 5pm or online via the links below:

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 215 296 346 930

Passcode: VcvxzN

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 360-726-3293,,4175740#

Phone Conference ID: 417 574 0#