Council member Fralick to report on CAO and waste disposal issues

Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) will meet on Thursday, Oct. 7,  to review  and discuss recent County and Council progress on Eastsound issues. It will meet from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.

On the agenda is filling the vacant positions on the committee.EPRC members are Gulliver Rankin (Chair), Bob Connell, Clyde Duke, Fred Klein, Patty Miller, and Audrey Moreland serve on the committee. Miller will be resigning to serve on the County Council, representing Orcas East Council District.

Richard Fralick will give an update from the County Council‘s progress on its three 2010 priorities: solid waste, the Critical Areas Ordinance and the budget

Dan Vekved of  the Public Works Department will give an update on Mt. Baker Road, Funding, plans and the public process

Rachel Dietzman will give a similar update on the Streetscape, and Tom Sage will speak on the Mount Stormwater treatment project.

The committee will also discuss possible dates for an Open House this fall, and their priorities for its 2011 work plan.

The EPRC meets monthly to discuss Eastsound planning and development. Its members are appointed by the County Council. The public is encouraged to attend.