Thursday, June 2, 3 – 5 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Pat Ayers —

Regular Meeting
Eastsound Planning & Review Committee (EPRC)
June 2, 2016
3:00 – 5:00 PM

NOTE: Colin Huntemer (SJC Public Works) will be available from 2:30 – 3:00 for a pre-meeting public forum to afford community members an opportunity to view updated Prune Alley plans.

Welcome and Introductions

Additions or Modifications to the Agenda


  1. 2016-05-05 EPRC Regular Meeting Minutes

Public Comment #1

Main Topic #1 (15 Minutes)

Subarea Plan Regulations County Comprehensive Plan – Erika Shook

  1. Subarea Plan Regulations – final items from 2015 – arrangements for special meeting
  2. Comprehensive Plan scope & resource meeting update
  3. Goal – Determine timing & workload for Subarea Plan revisions

Main Topic #2 (15 Minutes)

  1. Prune Alley Survey & Present Ideas – Colin Huntemer
  2. Goal – Provide updates to public on Prune Alley plans

Main Topic #3 (30 Minutes)

  1. Review of Visioning Project Report – Jim Jonassen & Bob Maynard
  2. Present draft report & receive EPRC feedback
  3. Goal – Provide feedback to Visioning Group ahead of public release of report


Old Business

  1. Crescent Beach/Rose Street Community Discussion – Fred Klein/Jeff Otis
  2. Lighting Project Update – Dan Vekved
  3. Subarea Regulations Special Meeting – Agenda & topics to cover – Greg Ayers

New Business


Projects for Review

  1. Building-16-0089 – 117 Geer Lane

County Council Update – Councilman Rick Hughes

Public Comment #2

Future Main Topics
