Tuesday, July 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

The monthly meeting of the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) is held on Tuesday, July 12, instead of the usual first Thursday date.The EPRC serves as an advisory committee to the County Council; its members are appointed by the Council.

The agenda calls for public statements at the start and the conclusion of the meeting. The agenda also calls for:

Main Topic #1 (45 Minutes)
Subarea Plan Regulations – Items from 2015 Ordinance
• Rural Residential Uses – “Table” changes
• Parking : Review Paul Kamin’s document on valuation options
• EDRC – Appeals Process
• Specific Allowance for Split Zoning
• Transportation Hub
• Retail Kiosks (possible wording to clarify)
• Holiday Lighting (Oct – Feb)

• Naomi Aldort Letter

Old Business
1. Housing Update – Martha Fuller
2. Crescent Beach/Rose Street Community Discussion – Fred Klein/Jeff Otis
3. Lighting Project Update – Dan Vekved

New Business
1. Election of Officers – Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary
2. Drafting of Annual Report and 2016 – 2017 Workplan

Projects for Review
1. PSP000-16-0001 OPAL RFR
2. 271 Parkwood, Longwood Renovation
3. Sunflower Properties – Multiple Permit Numbers

County Council Update – Councilman Rick Hughes